Carers and friends to take a break at morning tea

Ability links are hosting a carers and friends morning tea and fun get together to recognise carers and the often thankless work they do for the community. Event organiser Wendy Beetson said it's important for carers to take some time out from their caring role, relax and have fun in a social setting. "Carers can be so busy looking after a family member or friend that they often overlook their own needs," she said. "It is good for people to know that they are not alone, that there are many others with similar stories to themselves." READ ALSO: Ms Beetson said the day is also extended to those who have been carers in the past, and those who are cared for. "Although they may no longer actively care for a loved one they have valuable wisdom to share, and can provide reassurance and support to active carers," she said. "Often carers find it difficult to attend events as they cannot leave the person they care for alone, the get-together's are very inclusive and welcome carers to bring the person they care for or a friend with them. "The more the merrier." The free carers morning tea will be at the Bowling club on Thursday, June 13 at 10am. There will be a lucky door and prizes to be won.
Carers and friends to take a break at morning tea
Having a good time at the Carers morning tea in 2018.
Dell Beetson, Wendy Beetson and Maureen Walters.
Ability links are hosting a carers and friends morning tea and fun get together to recognise carers and the often thankless work they do for the community.
Event organiser Wendy Beetson said it's important for carers to take some time out from their caring role, relax and have fun in a social setting.
"Carers can be so busy looking after a family member or friend that they often overlook their own needs," she said.
"It is good for peoplRead More – Source
Nyngan Observer