Salmon season in full bite | Fishing & Diving the Capes

Salmon season is in full swing and there have been plenty of people along the coast trying their luck for them. The average size for Salmon is 5-6kg, with larger fish weighing up to 8kg. Salmon are clean fighters and do not necessarily require any expensive gear to successfully target. They are especially fun to catch on light gear as this allows them to display their excellent sports fishing qualities. Often catching a Salmon is as simple as casting a lure directly into a school and winding fast until you hook up. Please remember to return all unwanted fish to the water as soon as possible after capture. For those who are keeping their catch to consume, remember that these fish are best bled and placed into a slurry of icy cold saltwater as soon as possible. Several Mulloway have been caught recently by those putting in the time along our beaches with some fish being landed in the middle of the day. This species is predominately fished for on a rising tide around sunset and into the night, so captures during daylight hours are somewhat unusual. Skippy are still being caught with some good fish coming from areas with rocky structure. Herring are thick at times and it usually doesn't take too much to get them on the boil with the use of some berley. Flathead is another species which has been prevalent along the coast with some awesome captures of fish around the 60 – 70cm range. These fish will readily take bait or lures/soft plastics and taste great. King George Whiting have been hard to find from shore along the west coast lately with better reports coming from Augusta. The Lower reaches of the Blackwood River is holding plenty of both adult and juvenile Salmon and they have been caught from the local jetties. Offshore continues to fish well with plenty of Dhufish being caught along with Pink snapper, Red snapper, and Black-arse. Some Baldchin Groper have also been caught and there have even been a couple of reports of Spanish Mackerel. Until next month, happy fishing and diving!
Salmon season in full bite | Fishing & Diving the Capes
Salmon ball: An impressive view of one of the salmon schools from a drone, by Luke Thom.
Season in swing: Down South Camping & Outdoors' Steele Hawken lands a salmon.
Head over heels: Braden Cooper with a nice salmon caught off the coast recently. All photos supplied.
Cracker: Damian Bowman with an amazing Samsonfish catch.
Annual pilgrimage: Stoney Stonehouse marks the salmon season on the beach.
Salmon season is in full swing and there have been plenty of people along the coast trying their luck for them.
The average size for Salmon is 5-6kg, with larger fish weighing up to 8kg.
Salmon are clean fighters and do not necessarily require any expensive gear to successfully target.
They are especially fun to catch on light gear as this allows them tRead More – Source
Margaret River Mail