Coronation Street spoilers: Sally Ann Matthews hints Jenny Connors revenge plot against Liz McDonald is about to be exposed

Jenny Connor has been secretly terrorising Liz McDonald, and things are set to come to ahead when her lies and devious ways are exposed during Coronation Streets Christmas.
Jenny has been upping the crazy of late, having installed a tracking app on Lizs phone as her paranoia over her friendship with Johnny has escalated, and she has far more in the pipeline for poor Liz.
Things are set to get even worse over Christmas as Jenny takes things way too far. But what will happen when her lies and tricks are exposed?
Actress Sally Ann Matthews has teased how it all quickly unravels for Jenny, as on Christmas Day her tracking device is discovered, among her other lies.
On Christmas Day she knows shes been all over the place and on the morning [she and Johnny] reconcile and its all going to be marvellous, actress Sally Ann told Until other people stick their bloody oar in – Gemma accuses Johnny of beating her, news of the tracking device comes out and other stuff. Jennys day goes from looking like theyd got it together, he does love her and its all great it just unravels on Christmas Day.

The actress revealed that Gemma spots Jenny using the tracking app, and the truth about her creating a profile for Liz on an escort service site comes out. If Jenny thought things were bad before, theyre about to get so much worse.
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Gemma sees Jenny doing it and then thats something thats brought out again on Christmas Day, Sally Ann explained. Jenny texts Mike to get mike round so Liz is distracted, because as long as theres a man in Lizs life, Jenny thinks its fine, shes occupied and Johnny fine so its all going to be good. So shes interfering with that and that comes to light, the tracking device gets brought up again, the escort ad comes out, the accusation hes beating her comes out, so Christmas Day is just going horribly, horribly wrong.
Its very tense, very, very tense and there might be a reversal of the situation after Christmas, she added.

Worse is to come for Liz too thanks to Jennys meddling, and the barmaid could find herself in a pretty dangerous situation.
But while all this is going on, Jenny is so mistaken by the whole situation that even Sally Ann doesnt think Johnny would have cheated.
Asked if Johnny and Liz could get it on, Sally Ann said: What they always had was a level of a friendship and obviously an attraction but I dont think he ever would… but then again Aidan said he was a bit of a dirty dog. Jennys fiercely loyal and she just wants somebody to love and to love her. Shes never had it, she gets it in her life and then its there for a couple of years and then its gone.
Can Jenny and Johnnys marriage survive as the truth comes out?
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