
Protect us: Firefighters urging the government for support

FIREFIGHTERS are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer than the general population and a bill to be presented to NSW Parliament on Thursday is aimed at protecting them.

In NSW, firefighters have to prove they acquired cancer on the job and they are calling on the NSW Government to support laws that would make it easier for them to access workers compensation.

They environments that firefighters work in are often filled with toxic smoke and Fire Brigade Employees Union state secretary Leighton Drury says more needs to be done to protect them.

“Firefighters look after our community in our time of need. Ive been a serving firefighter for 20 years, and I joined to help people,” he said.

“Our work is sometimes dangerous and one of those dangers is cancer.”

Mr Drury said studies have shown firefighters contract cancer at a rate above the general population.

“Weve been studied since the 1950s all over the world, including by Monash University. Cancer is an occupational disease of firefighting,” he said.

“Our employer needs to do more to protect us from the risks of firefighting, but we also deserve support if we do contract cancer.”

Mr Drury said NSW Parliament will consider legislation that would make it easier for firefighters to access the care and help if they contract cancer.


Nyngan Observer


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