
ANZAC Day in the Augusta Margaret River region

ANZAC Day in the Augusta Margaret River region

Augusta ANZAC Services

A dawn service will commence at 6.20am at Augustas Memorial Park on the corner of Osnaburg and York Street.

Following the service, the traditional gunfire breakfast will be held at the park, where all are welcome thanks to a cheerful team of local volunteers.

At 10.45am there will be a march back to Memorial Park where the main ANZAC Day service will be held at 11.00am.

Lunch in the park will be held following the service, and again all are welcome to attend and enjoy some refreshments.

Parking is along Osnaburg Street, please leave room adjacent to Memorial Park for the Parade. The services are wheelchair friendly events.

Margaret River ANZAC Services

The Margaret River RSL Sub Branch extends an invitation to all members of the community and visitors to attend our Anzac Day Services to be held on Tuesday 25 th April 2018.

RSL Members and members of the public are requested to assemble at the war memorial located in Memorial Park adjacent to Willmott Avenue, Margaret River by 5.55 a.m.

RSL President Keith Simmonds will present a short address followed by the laying of wreaths, the Ode to the Fallen and a prayer.

Following the service, RSL members and members of the public are invited to the Margaret River District Club, on Tunbridge Street, for the traditional Gunfire Breakfast at a cost of $10 per person.

The annual parade will begin with the assembly at 11.15am at Reuther Park; the parade will step off at 11.30am. T

The Busselton Brass Band will provide the music for the march and for the service.

Following the service, RSL members their guests and participants are invited to the Margaret River District Club for fellowship.


Margaret River Mail


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