Experts talk tough on drought conditions

Experts talk tough on drought conditions
TALK TIME: NSW Department of Primary Industries rural support worker James Cleaver was among the guest speakers at the drought information session in Bathurst. Photo: NADINE MORTON 053118nmrural2
TALK TIME: Around 110 people attend the drought information session in Bathurst. Photo: NADINE MORTON 053118nmrural3
TALK TIME: Around 110 people attend the drought information session in Bathurst. Photo: NADINE MORTON 053118nmrural5
TALK TIME: Around 110 people attend the drought information session in Bathurst. Photo: NADINE MORTON 053118nmrural4
MORE than 100 farmers from across the Central Tablelands expressed their fears and concerns over the widespread drought at an information session in Bathurst.
Currently, 100 per cent of the Central Tablelands has been declared in drought (68.3 per cent) or drought onset (31.7 per cent).
The three-hour session on Thursday saw a number of experts talk about a range of topics including: livestock feeding and management, quick to feed options, animal health and available drought resources.
Speakers were from the NSW Rural Assistance Authority, the Rural Financial Counselling Service and the NSW Department of Primary Industries Rural Resilience Program.
Rural support worker James Cleaver has been brought on by the NSW Department of Primary Industries to help drought-affected farmers.
“Financial stress is definitely an issue. Animal welfare is a big thing, farmers are very worried about their stock and dont like seeing them do badly,” he said.
“Everything were saying is just about putting in a plan around destocking and feeding.
“If you go down the feeding path, then know what youre paying for. If you choose to destock then manage your cash flow.”
While Mr Cleaver praised the 100-plus farmers who attended the drought information session, he said that he was “more worried about the people who arent here” and urged them to seek help if they need it.
Local Land Services (LLS) district vet Bruce Watt said he was keen to address a number of topics for the attendees.
“The really important thing is to get your feeding right, so the big issue is the amount of energy, the amount of protein that youre feeding and obviously youve got to do it in an economical fashion,” he said.
“If you get that right, stock are often really healthy in a drought, we can have low mortality rates and stock do well.”
Dr Watt also spoke of stock disease during times of drought as well as farmers financial concerns as they tried to keep their stock fed and watered.
- Anyone who is struggling can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 for help.
Everything were saying is just about putting in a plan around destocking and feeding
NSW Department of Primary Industries rural support worker James Cleaver
Nyngan Observer