
Andromeda Metals joint venture partner begins extensive drilling program at Wudinna Gold Project

Andromeda Metals Ltd's (ASX:ADN) joint venture partner Cobra Resources PLC (LON:COBR) has commenced a substantial reverse circulation (RC) drilling program at the Wudinna Gold Project in Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.

Cobra is planning to complete three field exploration programs from late September through until December 2020, which will include up to 45 RC drill holes for up to 6,750 metres of drilling at Baggy Green, Baggy Green North, Clarke, Laker, Barns and Larwood prospects.

Eyre Peninsula Gold Joint Venture location plan

The first of these programs is a 3,750-metre RC drilling program for up to 25 holes to be undertaken at Baggy Green, Baggy Green North, Laker and Clarke which is now underway.

Program 2, comprising the collection of about 150 auger geochemical samples at the Larwood prospect, is planned to commence in November 2020 once cropping activities in the area are complete.

The third program is designed to comprise 20 RC drill holes for about 3,000 metres at Barns and Larwood.

Targeting a one-million-ounce gold resource[hhmc]

The prime objective for the extensive exploration program is to define the orientation and extensions of mineralisation at a number of prospects across the Wudinna Gold Project with the strategic aim of building towards an initial target of a one-million-ounce gold resource.

Currently, a resource of 4.43 million tonnes at 1.5g/t golRead More – Source




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