Legend Mining assays confirm economic nickel-copper-cobalt grades at Mawson

Legend Mining Limited (ASX:LEG) has confirmed economic grades of nickel-copper-cobalt in assay results from a diamond drill hole at Mawson prospect within the Rockford Project in WAs Fraser Range.
The assays are from two zones of heavy disseminated, semi-massive and massive nickel-copper sulphides and from three zones of massive nickel-copper sulphides.
Best result from the former was 10.4 metres at 1.32% nickel, 1.11% copper and 0.07% cobalt from 153.8 metres and from the latter was 12.8 metres at 2.76% nickel, 1.36% copper and 0.14% cobalt from 234.9 metres.
“This is paydirt”[hhmc]
The companys managing director Mark Wilson said: "In simple terms this is paydirt.”
He said: “The results from the sulphide zones in hole 8 confirms economic grades of nickel-copper-cobalt.”
The diamond hole, RKDD008, was designed to test a strong 6,000-8,000S off-hole conductor identified by downhole electromagnetic (DHTEM) surveying.
This was interpreted to represent the down plunge extension of nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation identified in previous hole RKDD007 that returned 14.9 metres at 1.07% nickel, 0.75% copper and 0.06% cobalt from 114 metres.
Results from the five intervals of nickel-copper sulphides in the diamond hole.
Strong results[hhmc]
Another result from the two zones of heavy disseminated, semi-massive and massive nickel-copper sulphides was 5.8 metres at 0.97% nickel, 0.61% copper and 0.05% cobalt from 148 metres.
Also returned from the three zones of massive nickel-copper sulphides were 5.6 metres at 2.85% nickel, 1.86% copper and 0.15% cobalt from 199.4 metres and 6.9 metres at 2.55% nickel, 1.67% copper and 0.14% cobalt from 218.2 metres.
Mawson diamond drill hole locations on aeromagnetics.
Results show that the individual assay values for nickel and cobalt, and to a lesser degree copper, are relatively consistent throughout the massive sulphide intervals and reflects the uniform visual appearance of the sulphides.
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