Perseus Mining assists in combating COVID-19 with donation to host communities in West Africa
Perseus Mining Limited (ASX:PRU) is donating a total of US$387,500 (A$646,000) to assist host governments and host communities in Ghana and Côte dIvoire in efforts to fight the spread of COVID-19.
As of April 6, 2020, there have been no cases of COVID-19 infection reported by any Perseus employees or contractors operating at its Edikan and Sissingué gold mines or at the Yaouré gold mine construction site.
From the company's knowledge, this also extends to the residents of host communities located adjacent to those operations – as far as we know.
Perseus is hopeful that the assistance it is providing in cash and goods, particularly that to be delivered to local health service providers, will help in maintaining the status quo.
Chief executive officer and managing director Jeff Quartermaine said: “Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 contagion, a great deal of commentary was made by market commentators on the importance to investors of the ESG (environmental, social and governance) behaviours of mining companies.
“The provision of the financial and practical assistance by Perseus to our host governments and communities that has been announced today is totally consistent with Perseuss long-held strategy of practising sustainable mining – not just talking about it.”
“Assisting host communities”[hhmc]
Perseus hopes that the assistance provided to local health service providers will help in maintaining a healthy local community in the areas in which it operates.
The company is confident this, along with protocols implemented on-site, will assist in eliminating the possibility of infection of members of its Read More – Source