Legend Mining hits multiple massive sulphide intersections in Mawson diamond hole, shares up 95%

Legend Mining Limited (ASX:LEG) is riding high after hitting multiple massive sulphide intersections in the first diamond drill hole this year at Mawson prospect within the Rockford Project in WAs prolific Fraser Range.
Shares have been up almost 95% today to a new 12-month high of 13 cents on volume of 50 million by midday with a total of 41.5 metres of nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation intersected in hole RKDD008.
“Spectacular start”[hhmc]
Legend managing director Mark Wilson said: “Legends 2020 field season has had a spectacular start. “The three massive sulphide intercepts clearly stamp this hole as the most significant and exciting discovery in the Fraser Range post Nova.
“It has been a true team effort, hats off to all concerned!”
Rockford project – Mawson location.
IGO and Creasy Group active[hhmc]
Rockford is in the same region as the operating Nova Bollinger Nickel-Copper Project of IGO Ltd (ASX:IGO) with IGO and prominent Fraser Range explorer Mark Creasy and his Creasy Group Pty Ltd holding investments in Legend.
The diamond drill hole was designed to test an off-hole conductor identified by a downhole electromagnetic survey in the initial discovery diamond drill hole, which was reported in December 2019.
This discovery hole returned 14.9 metres at 1.07% nickel, 0.75% copper and 0.06% cobalt from 114 metres.
Visual and geological observations from the new hole demonstrate the presence of materially significant mineralisation at Mawson.
RKDD008 and proposed diamond drill hole locations on aeromagnetics.
Five intervals[hhmc]
The hole intersected five significant intervals of nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation, three of which comprise massive sulphides of pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-pentlandite:
- 5.8 metres from 148 metres: Heavy disseminated to semi-massive nickel-copper sulphides;
- 10.4 metres from 153.8 metres: Semi-massive, heavy disseminated and massive nickel-copper sulphides;
- 5.6 metres from 199.4 metres: Massive nickel-copper sulphides;
- 6.9 metres from 218.2 metres: Massive nickel-copper sulphides; and
- 12.8 metres from 234.9 metres: Massive nickel-copper sulphides.
Assays upcoming[hhmc]
Sampling of the drill core for assay has not been undertaken at this stage and this will be completed immediately following detailed structural logging with assay results expected 2-3 weeks later.
An extensive program ofRead More – Source