Kin Mining reveals more high-grade zones at Cardinia Gold Project

Kin Mining NL (ASX:KIN) has revealed further high-grade zones of mineralisation at its Cardinia Gold Project (CGP) in Western Australia after receiving assay results from aircore drilling completed in December.
High-grade assay results have been received from 1-metre split samples at the Comedy King and Lewis East prospects which are within 5 kilometres of the processing plant site at the CGP.
Best results are 3 metres at 12.1 g/t from 21 metres to the end-of-hole, including 2 metres at 17.1 g/t from 21 metres at Comedy King and 11 metres at 5.28 g/t from 20 metres, including 4 metres at 12.4 g/t from 26 metres at Lewis East.
Kin managing director Andrew Munckton said December drilling defined three new deposits at Comedy King, Lewis East and Cardinia Hill, which are all within 5 kilometres of the plant site.
He said: “The mineralised zones highlighted by 4-metre composite sampling are now being refined with the 1-metre sampling.
“At Cardinia Hill, the western half of Comedy King and northern part of Lewis East, a clear pattern is emerging.”
Other strong Comedy King results:
- 6 metres at 2.25 g/t from 28 metres, and
- 8 metres at 2.04 g/t from 7 metres
Further results from Lewis East:
- 8 metres at 2.04 g/t from 27 metres, and
- 1 metre at 33.8 g/t from 10 metres
Munckton said: “Results have confirmed the higher-grade nature of the mineralisation across generally narrower zones associated with strong alteration, sulphides in the fresh ores and quartz veining.
“The alteration zones around high-grade intersections also exhibit mineralisation which is typically lower grade.”
A full interpretation of all the recent drilling results in conjunction with previous drilling results is underway.
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