Kin Mining makes gold discovery at Comedy King, shares jump

Kin Mining NL (ASX:KIN) has received assays results from drilling at its Comedy King and Snowden Well prospects within its flagship Cardinia Gold Project in Western Australia.
Notably, both prospects are within five kilometres of the processing plant site at Cardinia.
Results from Comedy King featured 12 metres at 14.9 g/t gold from 4 metres, 20 metres at 2.3 g/t gold from 0 metres and 4 metres at 8.3 g/t gold from 20 metres to the end-of-hole.
These results from Comedy King are indicative of a significant mineralised system.
Gold was also intersected at Snowden Well with results including 1-metre at 3.93 g/t gold from 38 metres and 3 metres at 1.70 g/t gold from 39 metres.
More results expected mid-February[hhmc]
Results are part of a drilling program completed in December comprising 7,881 metres aircore drilling and 880 metres reverse circulation (RC) drilling across six key target areas.
Further results are expected by mid to late February from the Lewis East and Lewis West prospects as well as single metre splits of wide zones of new mineralisation at Cardinia Hill, Lewis East, Black Chief and Comedy King.
Investors responded positively to the news with shares up almost 39% to an intra-day high of 4.3 cents.
Kins managing director Andrew Munckton said: “The 2019 aircore drilling program completed in December has been a particularly successful campaign which has confirmed our belief that the Cardinia area holds substantial zones of high-grade mineralisation in addition to the Mineral Resources that have previously been defined.
“The exploration team have made significant new discoveries at Cardinia Hill, Lewis East and now, Comedy King.
“These latest results confirm the presence of high grade, epithermal vein style mineralisation within broader zones of lower grade mineralisation and alteration at Comedy King.
“The Snowden Well RC results also show a strike continuous zone of narrow, ore grade mineralisation consistent with the CheRead More – Source