
Whitebark Energy commences fraccing of Rex-3 well

Whitebark Energy Ltd (ASX:WBE) has commenced the fraccing process for its third well, Rex-3, drilled at its Wizard Lake Project in Canada.

The fraccing process, short for fracturing, involves the injection of high-pressure liquid into the well to create cracks in order to extract oil or gas.

Fraccing is planned to have 46 stages and take three days to complete with flow testing to commence next week.

The facilities upgrade required to handle more production is nearing completion and all three wells are due to be online in December 2019.

Busy December planned

Rex-3 cleanup flows will take place immediately after the frac work and are expected to commence on or about December 12, 2019.

The cleanup flows will be managed through a recently installed satellite test separator which is on the welRead More – Source

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