White Rock Minerals intersects up to 21.6% zinc equivalent grade at Red Mountain in Alaska

White Rock Minerals Ltd (ASX:WRM) has intersected grades of up to 21.6% zinc equivalent at the Red Mountain high-grade zinc and precious metals VMS project in central Alaska.
Assay results for the final drill hole (DC19-96) of the 2019 season at Dry Creek have been received with the hole having tested a 200 metre plus down-dip step out from known high-grade zinc-silver-lead-gold mineralisation of the Fosters and Discovery lenses at the deposit.
Drill program set for early 2020
Managing director Matt Gill said: “This aggressive step-out drill hole at Dry Creek has shown that the deposit is wide open with fantastic high-grade zinc and silver persisting over 200 metres deeper than previously drilled.
“While this intersection is narrow, we know that typical VMS lenses pinch and swell along strike and down dip, as evidenced by the previous drilling where true width intersections of up to 40 metres at the Fosters lens have been recorded.
“The majority of the current inferred resource is drilled to a depth of just 200 metres so a further step out of over 200 metres suggests considerable upside is possible in expanding the size of the deposit.
“Ground conditions and the onset of winter terminated the drill hole prematurely with the high-grade Discovery lens remaining untested at this depth.
“This leaves considerable additional potential to this down-dip position in the deposit, especially when considering the resource footprint extends for 1,200 metres of strike.
“A targeted drill program early in the 2020 field season could unlock just how significant the resource expansion potential could be.”
Notable intersections
Mineralisation was intersected with 1.Read More – Source