European Lithium to showcase sustainable integrated European lithium strategy at events

European Lithium Ltd (ASX:EUR) (VSE:ELI) (FRA:PF8) (NEX:EUR) continues to progress its sustainable integrated lithium strategy in Europe and company executives are seeking to enhance this by attending and presenting at a number of upcoming conferences.
By attending these events this quarter, EUR will showcase its strategy centred on the Wolfsberg Lithium Project in Austria and including value-adding to supply the burgeoning European battery industry.
This strategy is also in keeping with the EUs increased focus on the development of a closed-loop lithium-ion battery supply chain within Europe.
Presenting at Batteries 2019
Senior advisor Dr Franz Kruger will be presenting EUR as a future supplier of battery-grade lithium in a sustainable European battery supply chain at the Batteries 2019 Event in Nice on October 23.
Dr Kruger, who started working for the company in March, also works for Roland Berger as a senior advisor Electric Vehicle Batteries and Energy Storage.
He also worked for Varta for many years as technical director at Varta Advanced Battery Technology & R&D, executive board member at Varta Industrial Battery Division, as well as general manager at Varta R&D Center.
Batteries 2019 brings together major players in the international battery industry, including manufacturers, end-users, experts and researchers, to discuss raw material sourcing, market trends, recycling technologies and innovation.
Austrian automotive forum
EURs non-executive director Stefan Müller will outline the companys strategy at the Hofburg in Vienna on October 29 during the Auto-& Wirtschaft-Event for the Austrian automotive industry.
This event provides a forum for the valuable exchange of experience between the industry and economy influencers and decision-makers on how to successfully implement economic and technical changes under international influence.
On this day, international and nationalRead More – Source