Redstar employees in Dubbo face uncertain Christmas as company liquidated

ABOUT 400 employees, including those in Dubbo, are facing an uncertain Christmas after the national freight company Redstar Transport Pty Ltd was placed in liquidation. Redstar Transport has offices in Dubbo, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. A call to the Redstar office in Dubbo for a comment wasnt answered, but it is believed that the Dubbo office employs about 20 people. The company was in the news last year after Roads and Maritime Services officers were called to the Dubbo office following a tragic fatal accident that took the lives of two brothers, aged nine and 12, and seriously injured their four-year-old sibling. Since the company is in liquidation, employees can get their entitlements paid through the Federal Governments Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG) Scheme. Read also: Free ridesharing service in Dubbo will not include a driver PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC), an international tax and audit firm, has been appointed as liquidator for Redstar. Stephen Longley, who will be supervising the liquidation process, said PwC was doing everything to manage the fallout. “This is a terrible situation at any time, let alone on the eve of the holidays,” Mr Longley said. PwC said Redstar Transport does not have money to pay for the liquidation process and PwC might not get paid for its services. “PwC is taking a risk by accepting this appointment, however, somebody needs to stand up for these 400 employees and make sure their entitlements are calculated and paid by FEG as soon as possible,” Mr Longley said. Read also: CHRISTMAS 2018: Leaving your toy shopping to the last minute? Heres what the kids want this year It said Redstar was in the process of ceasing operations and making employees redundant when the liquidators were appointed. “We expect this process to be completed by the end of this week,” Mr Longley said Toll is offering employment opportunities to drivers. Any driver who wishes to explore an opportunity may contact Toll on 1800 069 726.
ABOUT 400 employees, including those in Dubbo, are facing an uncertain Christmas after the national freight company Redstar Transport Pty Ltd was placed in liquidation.
Redstar Transport has offices in Dubbo, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.
A call to the Redstar office in Dubbo for a comment wasnt answered, but it is believed that the Dubbo office employs about 20 people.
Since the company is in liquidation, employees can get their entitlements paid through the Federal Governments Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG) Scheme.
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PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC), an international tax and audit firm, has been appointed as liquidator for Redstar.
Stephen Longley, who will be supervising the liquidation process, said PwC was doing everything to manage the fallout.
“This is a terrible situation at any time, let alone on the eve of the holidays,” Mr Longley said.
PwC said Redstar Transport does not have money to pay for the liquidation process and PwC might not get paid for its services.
“PwC is taking a risk by accepting this appointment, however, somebody needs to stand up for these 400 employees and make sure their entitlements are calculated and paid by FEG as soon as possible,” Mr Longley said.
Read also:
It said Redstar was in the process of ceasing operations and making employees redundant when the liquidators were appointed.
“We expect this process to be completed by the end of this week,” Mr Longley said
Toll is offering employment opportunities to drivers. Any driver who wishes to explore an opportunity may contact Toll on 1800 069 726.
This story Redstar employees in Dubbo face uncertain Christmas as company liquidated first appeared on Daily Liberal.
Nyngan Observer