Alcohol and cigarettes stolen: Police appealing for information

POLICE are appealing for information relating to a break and enter at a business in Trangie. Orana Mid-Western Police District officers report that the incident occurred on Friday morning. “A large amount of alcohol and cigarettes was stolen from the location,” officers said. Orana Mid-Western Police police officers have urged the public to contact them if they have any information in relation to this or other incidents. “If you know anyone selling alcohol or cigarettes on the cheap or acquiring a large amount of alcohol please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or 6883 1599,” officer said. Indoor pool at Dubbo Aquatic Leisure Centre high priority: Shields Medical care always available in Dubbo over Christmas, New Year West Dubbo park redeveloped with more inclusive equipment
POLICE are appealing for information relating to a break and enter at a business in Trangie.
Orana Mid-Western Police District officers report that the incident occurred on Friday morning.
“A large amount of alcohol and cigarettes was stolen from the location,” officers said.
Orana Mid-Western Police police officers have urged the public to contact them if they have any information in relation to this or other incidents.
“If you know anyone selling alcohol or cigarettes on the cheap or acquiring a large amount of alcohol please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or 6883 1599,” officer said.
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