Spring baiting program aims to minimise wild dogs impact in western NSW region

A total of 135,000 ground and aerial baits were used in the latest wild dog baiting program that finished last month. Conducted by the Western Local Land Services, the spring baiting program began in mid-September and finished mid-October. The program continues to work with landholders and stakeholders to minimise the impact of wild dogs. In a demonstration of the coordinated approach to baiting across the Western region, 16 pest animal control groups and Landcare groups were involved in the program, with 400 properties covering an area of 14 million hectares receiving baits. Also making news: While Biosecurity Team Leader, Tim Wall was pleased with how everything ran, he is well aware that more needs to be done to best manage pest animals. “The groups we work with are doing a fantastic job and make it possible for us to run these large scale coordinated programs,” Mr Wall said. “In between our autumn and spring baiting programs, there is more work to be carried out to ensure we are managing wild dogs and other pest animals to the best of our abilities.” Read also: Some of the activities landholders and community members should now be undertaking include: ·Using motion sensor surveillance cameras. · Ensuring information gets entered into the feral scan community website. · Trapping on your property and throughout the local community. ·Joining a Landcare or pest animal control group if not currently a member or inviting your neighbours and/or friends to join your group. Landholders and community members that are not in a pest animal control group or Landcare group and wish to join one or establish one in their area should contact: · Local Landcare Coordinator, Henry Gregory on (03) 5021 9425 · Local Landcare Coordinator, Martha Gouniai on (08) 8082 5201 · Western Local Land Services Biosecurity Officer on 1300 795 299.
Spring baiting program aims to minimise wild dogs impact in western NSW region
Western LLS Biosecurity Officer Grant Davis and landholder Luke O'Connor. Photo: Supplied.
Emmdale Roadhouse airstrip. Photo: Supplied.
Baits on racks. Photo: Supplied
A total of 135,000 ground and aerial baits were used in the latest wild dog baiting program that finished last month.
Conducted by the Western Local Land Services, the spring baiting program began in mid-September and finished mid-October.
The program continues to work with landholders and stakeholders to minimise the impact of wild dogs.
In a demonstration of the coordinated approach to baiting across the Western region, 16 pest animal control groups and Landcare groups were involved in the program, with 400 properties covering an area of 14 million hectares receiving baits.
Also making news:
While Biosecurity Team Leader, Tim Wall was pleased with how everything ran, he is well aware that more needs to be done to best manage pest animals.
“The groups we work with are doing a fantastic job and make it possible for us to run these large scale coordinated programs,” Mr Wall said.
“In between our autumn and spring baiting programs, there is more work to be carried out to ensure we are managing wild dogs and other pest animals to the best of our abilities.”
Read also:
Some of the activities landholders and community members should now be undertaking include:
·Using motion sensor surveillance cameras.
· Ensuring information gets entered into the feral scan community website.
· Trapping on your property and throughout the local community.
·Joining a Landcare or pest animal control group if not currently a member or inviting your neighbours and/or friends to join your group.
Landholders and community members that are not in a pest animal control group or Landcare group and wish to join one or establish one in their area should contact:
· Local Landcare Coordinator, Henry Gregory on (03) 5021 9425
· Local Landcare Coordinator, Martha Gouniai on (08) 8082 5201
· Western Local Land Services Biosecurity Officer on 1300 795 299.
This story Spring baiting program aims to minimise wild dogs impact in western NSW region first appeared on Western Magazine.
Nyngan Observer