The rural wrap: Fix climate or drought will worsen, dairy farmer turned beautician

Each week we aim to bring you the latest rural stories that have been making news across western NSW.
With a new report revealing the severed droughts are likely to continue, to a former central west dairy farmer turning a new leaf as a beautician, there has been plenty happening this week.
Weve got you covered in this weeks rural wrap.
Deal with climate change or drought problem will never be solved, Professor says
Change is needed: Jim McDonald, Red Braes, Quirindi (left), with Climate Councillor Professor Steffen during the launch of the Climate Councils new report. Photo: Lucy Kinbacher
Former central west dairy farmer turns new leaf as a beautician
Former dairy farmer Kylie Squires has since become a beautician at Skin Logic in Dubbo. Photo: Taylor Jurd.
Looking for another way to keep busy, Mrs Squires decided to become a beautician.
Export Connection Session helps start industry conversation
Dubbo Regional Council Economic Development Team Leader Tim Nichols, with Crowe Horwaths Amelia Hartney and Sam Lawrence with Export Council of Australia CEO Alina Bain. Photo: Taylor Jurd.
Farm Household Allowance review hears from central west farmers
Consultation: FHA panel review chair Michele Lawrence, Wellington producer Evan Frankham and Tottenham farmer Kathy Fragar. Photo: Belinda Soole.
AMIC release a scathing report on the government
Stock and property: Bill Tatt (pictured). Photo: File.
This story The rural wrap: Fix climate or drought will worsen, dairy farmer turned beautician first appeared on Western Magazine.
Nyngan Observer