
Club greeted by balloons

Club greeted by balloons

  • CELEBRATE: Happy Birthday Robin. Photo: CONTRIBUTED

  • WELCOME: Norma greeting club members under her Welcome archway. Photos: CONTRIBUTED

    WELCOME: Norma greeting club members under her Welcome archway. Photos: CONTRIBUTED

  • PRETTY: Cassia trees and bougainvillea was spotted at Norma Jeffery's garden. Photo: CONTRIBUTED

    PRETTY: Cassia trees and bougainvillea was spotted at Norma Jeffery's garden. Photo: CONTRIBUTED

  • Interesting garden path.

    Interesting garden path.

Our recent Garden Club meeting was held in the delightful garden of Norma Jeffery where we gathered beneath a beautiful canopy of golden cassia trees.

Norma greeted us under the bright balloons hanging from her Welcome sign, and we discovered an interesting array of garden ornaments and pot plants set along the winding stone path as we entered the little piece paradise.

It was lovely to sit in the cool amongst the colourful shrubs, vines and trees where Spring had brought a wide variety of flowers on the roses, petunias, geraniums and bougainvillea.

During the meeting, we discussed our Christmas party which is to be held at the
RSL club on Monday, November 26, commencing at 12 noon.

It was decided to have a hot roast smorgasbord meal with sweets at a cost of $42 per person.

Please bring the correct amount of money on the day.

Names to be in to Mary Burley on 0407 919749 by Wednesday, November 21.

Also as an interesting addition to our gathering, members are invited to bring along an antique or special treasure from home to display and be enjoyed by others.

Could you please contact our secretary, Margaret Gudgeon on 0438 86 00 00 if you have something you would like to share and talk about.

There was a lovely surprise over lunch, when we celebrated a special birthday for one of our members, Robin Grimmond.

A delicious cake covered in cream and strawberries, appeared as we sang happy birthday, a complete surprise for Robin, but good fun amongst her many friends.

Our lucky ticket and raffle competition was drawn with the winners being
Judy Davis and Belle McDougall, congratulations.

Also discussed at our meeting, were the Christmas markets to be held on Saturday, December 8, in the Shearing Shed car park, commencing at 6pm.

It was decided that the Garden Club would buy the contents for the Christmas hamper with members invited to contribute as well.

This year, we will donate our proceeds to two organisations – Little Wings and Can Assist.

If others would like to hold a stall at the Markets, please contact Di Donald on 68321 339.

Cost will be $15 each.

Have you got a story to tell or photos to share? The Nyngan Observer would love to hear from you!

Contact our journalist Zack Marlan by emailing [email protected] or calling 0455 066 740.


Nyngan Observer


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