Princess Haifa Al-Faisal backs walk to raise breast cancer awareness

Author: Mohammed Al-SulamiID: 1540065671850662900Sun, 2018-10-21 22:42
JEDDAH: Yasser Al-Hameed arrived in the city of Asfan on Friday, having walked from Makkah as part of the “Walk for Her” initiative, which aims to raise awareness about the early detection of breast cancer.
Al-Hameed received a warm welcome and was joined by a number of volunteers including Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, chairwoman of the Zahra Breast Cancer Association, and Samer Ibrahim Kurdi, chairman of the Sunbulah Group, before continuing his journey toward Madinah — about 400 kilometers away and expected to end on Oct. 27.
Al-Faisal praised the efforts of Al-Hameed to raise awareness and encourage women to get tested early to limit the spread of the disease. She also thanked Kurdi and Al-Hameed for their initiative and expressed the Zahra associations readiness to provide assistance.
“The slogan Walk for Her, which is carried by Al-Hameed and was launched by Sunbulah Group, reflects the value of social responsibility programs and their harnessing to address societys issues and concerns,” she said.
Kurdi noted that “the initiative is a call for positivity and control over what is destined for us. That is why we chose the path of migration for all the patience and positivity it represents due to the Prophets migration from Makkah to Madinah.”
Al-Hameed stressed the necessity of early detection, which increases rates of recovery. He also expressed his happiness at the warm welcome and thanked all those involved in the initiative for their interest and support.
Main category: Saudi ArabiaTags: Breast Cancer Awareness MonthSaudi Arabia Arab News goes pink to boost awareness of breast cancer screeningBreast cancer campaign launched in Taif
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