Presentation of our education memories

On display in the Nyngan Museum, we have a selection of school photos, which are currently being scanning to digital. We are also in the process of upgrading the preservation and presentation of these memories. Once the Museums expansion and refurbishment is completed, we hope to have more room for our Nyngan Education display.
In the light of this, the Museum Support Group feel that this would be an opportune time to attempt to compile a more complete digital record of Nyngans education history. If you have any old school photos and can bring them into the Museum, our staff will scan the photo and return it to you.
If you have a list of names of the people in the photo, this would be even better. It does not matter which school, St Josephs, Nyngan Public or the Intermediate High School. Photos are being categorised according to the year and then the class groupings.
School memorabilia would also be appreciated. St Josephs Primary School have donated a portable, wooden chalk board which originates from the very beginning of the schools history.
Currently written on the board, for display, are the first few lines of the Nyngan High School song. Did you know that the High School had a song? It is sung to the tune of Click Go the Shears.
Naturally the room available will still be limited, however, items of historical significance to the history of Nyngan will be prioritised. Thank you in anticipation for your assistance in this endeavour.
Visit Us Today: Monday- Friday from 9am to 4pm. Saturdays from 10am until 12noon. (Sundays by appointment.)
Nyngan is located on the banks of the Bogan River in Outback New South Wales. In 1990 the Bogan River flooded the township and much history was destroyed.
The Museum was established by a wonderful group of locals wanting to collect local family history, relics and items of historical significance.
Nyngan Observer