Insight into what Reach Out means

Nyngan Day View extends best wishes to those members who, because of being unwell were unable to attend the September luncheon at the Australia Hotel.
Those seventeen ladies who were able to attend enjoyed once again a beautiful meal, then the address by the guest speaker Jenny Griffith from Nyngan Health.
Jenny gave an interesting insight on what REACH OUT means and what to do if anxious about anything hospital and being a patient.
Reach Out is a patient and family activated rapid response program that encourages listening to families and empowering them to speak up when they bring their loved ones into hospitals.
The program works in two stages, firstly should a family member recognise a change in a patient, within 30 minutes local staff undertake a clinical review. Secondly if there is still concern over the patient family members and caregivers can contact REACH.
Thank you Franco and Deb for the meal and waiting on us.
Nyngan Day View will next meet on Wednesday, October 3, venue is the Nyngan RSL Clubs bowlers bar at 12pm. Committee will meet at 11am.
Thanks are due to Barbara Holmes for donating the raffle and Kay Linke the lucky door prize for the October luncheon.
Those members and friends who would like to attend this meeting and luncheon could you please contact Jann McConochie on 6832 2510 or Hazel Griffith on 6832 1590 by Monday, October 1.
Having names in early helps catering and table arrangements for all concerned on the day, thank you. Treasure Lea Thornton received a very nice letter of appreciation for here treasurers reports. Its nice to get feed back from head office for the reports.
For Day Views small numbers we seem to make good contributions to the Smith Family during the year – well done members and friends.
Nyngan Observer