Police targeting risky behaviour around Dubbos level crossings

POLICE are targeting risky driver behaviour at level crossings in areas around Dubbo.
From Tuesday, October 2, officers from the Traffic and Highway Patrol Command and Orana-Mid West Police District will be increasing police patrols at level crossings.
The campaign, aimed at increasing public safety around level crossings, will continue until Monday, October 15.
During the campaign, police will be on the look-out for motorists disobeying level crossing stop signs, ignoring flashing lights, speeding near level crossings and drivers who are distracted by illegal use of mobile phones.
Traffic and Highway Patrol Commander Acting Assistant Commissioner Julie Middlemiss said the emerging issue being targeted in level crossing campaigns is speeding.
From July 2001 to June 2018 there were 144 collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings in NSW, which resulted in deaths and serious injuries in some cases.
“Train To Stop is the police message for this years series of level crossing campaigns because in spite of the high consequences, people are still ignoring warnings at level crossings,” she said.
“Police issued over 500 penalty notices for level crossing traffic offences in NSW last year.
“Through the road safety campaign Towards Zero, all road safety stakeholders are working hard to drive the road toll down by highlighting there is no acceptable number when it comes to deaths on NSW roads.”
From July 2001 to June 2018 there were 144 collisions between trains and road vehicles at level crossings in NSW, which resulted in deaths and serious injuries in some cases.
“Were cracking down on dangerous behaviours – to firstly educate drivers of the risks around level crossing, and then if needs be, by supporting the issuing of fines and demerit points for road rules being disobeyed,” Acting Assistant Commissioner Middlemiss said.
The penalty for disobeying controls is three demerit points and a $448 fine.
“Road users should always exercise caution and be aware of their surroundings when navigating level crossings as a single moment of distraction or recklessness can cost them their lives.”
Residents living in nearby areas were informed of the enforcement period through letterbox drops.
Electronic billboards are now in the areas reminding motorists to take care at level crossings.
The penalty for disobeying controls is three demerit points and a $448 fine.
This is part of an ongoing series of awareness and enforcement campaigns relating to level crossings – a joint initiative between the NSW Police Force and the NSW Centre for Road Safety at Transport for NSW.
Nyngan Observer