Increase in people accessing South West services for family violence

There has been a 20 per cent increase in the number of people accessing regional services for family violence in the South West, according to Legal Aid WAs annual report.
Last financial year, 484 people in the South West accessed services for family violence making it the highest regional area in WA.
Legal Aid WA acting regional director Brianna Lonnie said the increase was significant and families had accessed services for family court, child protection and restraining orders.
Compared to the rest of WA which experienced a 22 per cent increase, there was a 40 per cent increase in court services for family violence in the South West.
Ms Lonnie said a combination of factors had contributed to the spike which included an increased awareness throughout the community which came from legal engagement.
She said it was also due to service providers being able to identify family violence and direct people to legal services and making legal services more accessible to people.
“We have developed new programs which provide holistic approaches to families experiencing family violence, which is run in conjunction with the South West Community Legal Centre and Waratah,” she said.
“We are providing duty lawyer services at Bunbury Court along with social support services so people are able to access a social worker and a lawyer who work together on a persons legal matters.”
Ms Lonnie said people who accessed their services and were experiencing family violence were often in crisis and Legal Aid WA was now better placed to respond to a persons needs.
“They are complex needs and there are often issues of housing, risk of homelessness and safety, and people may need urgent assistance,” she said.
“There are often financial issues or mental health support needed for drug and alcohol issues, there are often a wide range of issues people are experiencing where there has been family violence.”
Ms Lonnie said not only were they trying to improve access to legal services for people who experienced family violence, but also for people who inflicted family violence.
She said they hoped this would give people better means of getting help and support they needed to make changes in their life to ensure their children were safe and could move forward without family violence.
Family violence consultant Michael Hovane said family violence was a major issue for WA and impacted on some of the most vulnerable people, particularly children.
South West Refuge chief executive officer Michelle Bickers said the number of people disclosing family and domestic violence continued to show the severity of the problem within the community.
Ms Bickers said it was encouraging to see so many clients experiencing family and domestic violence being referred to or accepting support for legal assistance.
She said this demonstrated the referrals from services, such as South West Refuge were being noted and actioned to the benefit of the person experiencing family and domestic violence.
Prevention of family and domestic violence minister Simone McGurk will lead a delegation of experts at the national Reducing Violence Against Women summit in Adelaide this week.
Ms McGurk said WA had the second highest incidence of family and domestic violence in Australia, following the Northern Territory.
She said the state government was looking at a suite of measures to further support Western Australians impacted by family and domestic violence.
In a letter to the Prime Minister, Ms McGurk said the state was seeking funding to keep women safe in their homes and for family and domestic violence prevention programs for men in prisons.
“The Western Australian community has been rocked by multiple family homicides, in addition to the thousands of reports of family and domestic violence each year,” she said.
“There is no quick fix to this very serious issue and we all have an important role to play.”
If you have experienced sexual assualt, domestic or family violence please contact 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732.
- Waratah Support Centre South West on 08 9791 2884
- Mates Mens Support Group Busselton 08 9752 3217.
Margaret River Mail