Stronger country communities fund success

Council received welcome confirmation last week from the State Government and Local Member, Kevin Humphries that Council has been successful in obtaining funding of $1.5m from the second round of the Stronger Country Communities Fund.
The projects funded are solar pool heating at the Swimming Pool and a half basketball court, a cycling / pathway from the Shearing Shed to the river, upgrades to the Jockey Rooms at the Racecourse and four units for seniors rental accommodation at the old preschool site. Our community and Council had identified these projects as priority in its application, and its great to know they can now proceed.
Forty five students from year nine at Maclean High School travelled through Nyngan last week on an excursion to Uluru.
They stopped for a photo shoot and afternoon tea at the Teamsters Rest Area and presented Council with a $300 cheque for Councils Drought Appeal, and left some boxes of toiletries and non-perishables for distribution to areas of need in the Shire.
I thanked them very much for these contributions to our community. Its great to see young people understanding and showing practical concern for drought affected communities like ours.
Our thoughts are with the year 12 students at Nyngan High school as they complete their final week at school and then prepare for their HSC.
The year 12 church service formal dinner and final assembly are significant events during this final week.
This week our community will celebrate NAIDOC week with a number of events and activities to focus on the historical and cultural relevance of our Aboriginal community and the important part they play in our present community.
A family fun day was organised at the Nyngan Golf Club last Saturday and was enjoyed by all who attended. A par three round of golf, merry go round, jumping castle, face painting, barbecue, and many prizes ensured the day had plenty of variety.
Unfortunately not many farming families attended, but those who did were certainly able to ease the burden of drought related responsibilities.
A big thank you to Deb and Greg Matheson and Joblink Plus who put a lot of work into organising the day as well as the Nyngan Golf Club, Lions club, 3Cs Church and all others involved.
With the extended dry period continuing, we are aware that some rural properties may be running short of water for drinking and other domestic purposes.
Council has potable water available and will consider further action that may be needed in this area at our meeting on Thursday.
If the cost of carting water for domestic use was proving to be a financial burden for rural families, application for assistance could be made to the Bogan Shire Council Drought Appeal Fund.
Nyngan Observer