Rainfall and possible storms heading for drought-stricken region

MORE rain could fall this weekend in some parts of the region than has fallen in the past two months, Weatherzone meteorologist Kim Westcott says.
With 100 per cent of NSW declared in drought, many primary producers are hopeful of some rain heading into spring.
Saturday will be the best chance of rain, with lighter falls expected on Sunday.
Ms Westcott said the trough moving across the state will bring the region much-needed rain.
“For most places its going to be the most rain in two months,” she said.
“Start expecting rain from Saturday morning, it might be patchy in some areas, but continuous in others.
“Its quite a large system and for areas further north, [they can] expect more rain, but there will be some people who miss out entirely.”
Parkes is predicted to be the wettest location across the region, with 30 millimetres of rain expected across the weekend.
Around 25mm is expected in Bathurst, Cowra, Dubbo, Mudgee, Nyngan, Oberon, Orange and Wellington.
While Forbes, Grenfell, Lithgow and Young should receive around 15mm if predictions are correct.
Thunderstorms may occur in some areas across the weekend and Ms Westcott urged people to clear out leaves from the gutters and storm pipes of their home before the rain starts.
The entire region has received well below average rainfall so far this year, with some locations receiving just one quarter of the usual long-term average.
Dubbo has received the lowest rainfall when compared to the long-term average, with just 86.4mm of rain received when compared to the average rainfall to August of 395.1mm.
Parkes and Wellington have received just 30 per cent of the average rainfall to this time of year – with 133.6mm compared to 406.5mm, and 108.5mm compared to 380.1mm respectively.
Less than 50 per cent of the average rainfall to August has also been received in Cowra, Forbes and Orange.
- For emergency help in a flood or storm call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500.
Nyngan Observer