Nigel Farage called for free speech and thats exactly what he got – the 15 best comebacks

If theres a Y in the day, that means Nigel Farage has some hot take or other to share, whether we need it or not. For example, on Wednesday, he posted this.
Public figures should be able to say what they really think without constant demands to apologise. This country used to believe in free speech.
Out there in Middle England, people will not be offended by what Boris has said.
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) August 8, 2018
Of course, this was in response to fellow Leave campaigner, Boris Johnson, who had mentioned that Muslim women wearing the full veil look like “letterboxes” and “bank robbers”.
Never let it be said that Twitter isnt an obliging place, so in response to his rallying cry for free speech, the MEP received just that – in spades.
I am using my free speech, Nigel, to tell you to your stupid face that you are a demon, shetaan himself and you can go fuck yourself.
— Nikesh Shukla (@nikeshshukla) August 8, 2018
You look like a talking kebab on a spit.
— David Quantick (@quantick) August 8, 2018
Oh bore off, you greasy little jumped-up Oswald Mosley wannabe
— Red Sky At Night (@redskyatnight) August 8, 2018
“Back in the day, you could be as much of a hateful, bigoted wankstain as you wanted, and nobody cared.
Oh, for the simple pleasures of writing GO HOME in dogshit on the windows of an Indian restaurant.
Nowadays, you cant even call a poof a shit stabber, or anything.”
— Max
(@SpillerOfTea) August 9, 2018
Okay cool. Fuck off cunt. Love that free speech.
— Nish Kumar (@MrNishKumar) August 9, 2018
This country still believes in free speech. It used to believe in decency towards other human beings – things like apologising when youve been a cunt – until a few years ago. If this country really is fucked, youre at least partly responsible.
— Louis Barfe (@AlanKelloggs) August 8, 2018
Your country HAS free speech. That still means that if you say something dickheadish and don't apologise for it, you'll look like a dickhead which has, well, consequences. That's called democracy, Nigel.
— GJ Groothedde
(@eetschrijver) August 8, 2018
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