RAMping Up Repro to boost performance

Join Western Rivers Veterinary Groups Dr Tim Gole to discover everything producers need to know for optimum performance from the rams in their Merino operations is covered under the hands-on workshop from Sheep Connect NSW, RAMping Up Repro.
The practical half day workshop, which is being held in Nyngan, is designed to increase the skill of producers across key components of ram performance and impacts on overall breeding enterprise performance.
Components include: anatomy, physiology, spermatogenesis, metabolic demands, health, disease and biosecurity, and financial impact of the ram team.
Each participant is guided through a thorough pre-joining ram inspection by an accredited workshop deliverer and given the opportunity to increase their practical skills to undertake this in their own operation.
This workshop is designed to give attendees the confidence to incorporate these skills into their own routine management, thus improving the performance of their rams.
The workshop will take place in Nyngan on Tuesday, June 19, and will be presented by Western Rivers Veterinary Groups Dr Tim Gole.
Nyngans event will take place at Wilgadale 38km north of Nyngan on the Mitchell Highway from 9am until 2.30pm.
The cost of the event is $75 per person, which includes morning tea, lunch and all workshop materials.
Nyngan Observer