Peace without Borders announces first Saudi peace ambassador

Author: Thu, 2018-06-14 02:19
JEDDAH: The global organization Peace Without Borders has chosen Dr. Sumaya Al-Nasser to be the first Saudi ambassador for peace. She is a distinguished Saudi life coach and businesswoman with long experience in coaching since 2003.
Al-Nasser is Saudi Arabias first internationally certified female life and career coach. She has a doctorate in theology, and started to explore and deepen her study of awareness sciences at an early age.
The organization, represented by its chairman Mohamed Al-Arab, contacted Al-Nasser to give her the news. “At first, I was very hesitant and took a long time to make a decision; however, my understanding of the high values of the organization was the main reason why I decided to go through this experience,” Al-Nasser told Arab News.
“I think it is a responsibility rather than an honor,” she added. “It means I have a lot of responsibilities to take in order to deliver and promote the idea of peace and acceptance to everyone I can reach in my community,” she said.
Peace Without Borders promotes the values of peace, supports sustainable development, monitors violations of human rights of expression and freedom and works on achieving the Millennium Development Goals set by the UN member states.
Al-Nasser was chosen to be the peace ambassador because of her thoughts and principles of peace, freedom, coexistence, and respect, which she presents through her books, programs, courses and the content she shares through social media.
Based in Los Angeles, she launched her project Sumaya369, and delivers courses in Arabic to thousands of clients worldwide. She helps her audience to improve inner peace and self-relationships though one-on-one sessions, classes and group seminars, as well as online coaching sessions. She also uses social media for the same purpose and has wide popularity.
Al-Nasser is the author of three books and many articles in which she encourages readers to have a positive and “aware” way of life and provides them with the right methods to reach that goal. Earlier this year, Al-Nasser launched the first Arabic guided meditation CD, “The Back Door.”
It features 14 tracks that teach meditation practices, with music written by Jordanian film composer and pianist Ghiya Rushida.
Al-Nasser said: “Peace isnt just the absence of war and violence, it is the ability to manage conflict positively.
“For this, Peace Without Borders has been doing incredible work around the world, and Im happy to be a part of the organization and to contribute toward my homeland.”
Tags: Dr. Sumaya Al-NasserPeace Without BordersMohamed Al-ArabMillennium Development GoalsMain category: Saudi Arabia Mariams journey to North Pole an inspiration for Saudi womenDina Shihabi: The actress blazing a trail for Saudi women
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