The Prophets Mosque prepares to receive masses of worshippers in Madinah

Author: ARAB NEWSTue, 2018-06-12 16:19ID: 1528809772012611000
MADINAH: Saudi government authorities have intensified their preparations to provide services to the masses of worshipers due to visit the Prophets Mosque, or Masjid Al-Nabawi, in Madinah.
As the last nights of Ramadan 2018 approach, hundreds of thousands of worshipers flood to the Mosques of Madinah to finish reading the Quran, which is a tradition carried out by the faithful every Ramadan.
Various security and service agencies have started to implement their plans to keep pace with the influx of worshipers to the Prophets Mosque. Those agencies deal mainly with crowd control, provision of water and mattresses, cooling public spaces for the worshippers, and sanitation around the clock.
The police of the Prophets Mosque, in coordination with the mosques committee, will be on high alert till the end of Ramadan, ensuring all visitors complete their religious duties smoothly and efficiently. The holy month of Ramadan is expected to end Friday.
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