Volunteers give a little, change a lot

National Volunteer Week runs from May 21-27 this year with the theme, Give a little. Change a lot. This years theme is to reflect the six million Australian volunteers who make a profound impact in their communities and on society, through giving a little of their time.
Wilcannia Forbes Central Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society, are proud to acknowledge the invaluable contribution our wonderful volunteers make in the delivery of services to their respective communities. National Volunteer Week is the largest celebration of volunteers and volunteerism in Australia, and allows our Society to join with other volunteer organisations to say thank you, for without our volunteers tireless contributions the Society would not exist. These tireless efforts do not go unnoticed.
The St Vincent de Paul Society in Nyngan has a very friendly, social environment and the work provides a special sense of satisfaction you get from helping others and learning new skills. Various tasks include sorting donated goods, serving at the counter, clerical, basic computer, interviewing and listening to people in need.
With busy lives it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However the benefits of volunteering are enormous to you and your community. Volunteering is one of the best ways to make new friends, build relationships and learn new skills. It can also provide a sense of purpose to people who are lonely or isolated and can increase self-confidence.
St Vincent de Paul Society is therefore calling for citizens in Nyngan to consider volunteering with them in their Centre or Conference at 84 Pangee Street. Men and women of all ages and denominations are welcome and encouraged to join, even if its for a couple of hours a week any help is great.
If you are interested in volunteering call in at the Vinnies Centre, or telephone (02) 6832 2070. We would love to hear from you. “Give a little. Change a lot”.
Nyngan Observer