See Maxs animals give him a remarkable farewell

A patient at the Manilla Multipurpose Service in north west NSW was given a special farewell by his four-legged best friends.
The staff at the Hunter New England Health-run multi-purpose service (MPS) knew Max didnt have long to live. They also knew how much Max loved his animals.
In his final days the staff, along with Maxs family, organised for his dog and Shetland pony to visit him in the car park. Its safe to say the elderly man was nothing short of overwhelmed.
Hunter New England Health confirmed Max died a couple of days later, after the farewell from his fond friends.
In a tribute to the popular patient, Hunter New England Health compiled a beautiful video of the meeting.
The video was shared to Facebook on Thursday and was viewed over 6000 times by Friday afternoon.
Many people commended the staff at the Manilla hospital, who they said went above and beyond to make it happen.
“Thats why I love Manilla … no small town mentality there, caring and sharing … keep it up Manilla,” Tracy Hansen said.
“Well done to those who made it possible for Max to spend his last days with his animals. If only more people would make this possible. God bless you all and Thank you. RIP Max,” Margie Schmidt Grogan said.
This story See Maxs animals give him a remarkable farewell first appeared on Daily Liberal.
Nyngan Observer