Nyngans 2018 Showgirl announced | Photos

Nyngans 2018 Showgirl announced | Photos
OUR SHOWGIRLS: 2018 Showgirl Rebecca George, Runner-Up Amy Giddy, Junior Showgirl Rachel Fitzalan, Junior Runner-Up Anastasia Walsh. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Janet Martin, Myrna Stephens and Noelle Gibson. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Philip Gibson and Ray Donald. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Melanie and Don Cameron. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Elva Galic and Joan Lane. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Jenny and Clark Lane. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Jane Reakes and Terry Tremain. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Abby and Hayley Lane. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Chris and Jill Elder.
Tony and Cathy Lewis with Dawn Elder. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Reverend Graham McLeod, Annette Earl and Ross Earl. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Nichole Dowling and Tash Young. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Emily Pitt and Clive Brown. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Natalie Bolton and Andre Svensson. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Minnie Montgomery, Bev Bush and Rachel Fitzalan. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Andy and Leonie Montgomery. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Anastasia Walsh and Katelyn Coyle. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Caroline, Noelene and James Walsh.
Grace Gibson and Emily Barclay. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Graeme Bourke and Kathy Korn. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Amy and Meagan Giddy. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Peter Giddy, Stacey Korn and Bon Franklin. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Dione Carter, Emily Stanton and Jess Baker. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Haylee Martin and Cathy Black. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Madi Allen, Michelle Finn and Georgia Hughes. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Nyngan's 2018 Showgirl Rebecca George and Runner-Up Amy Giddy.
Nyngan Showgirl Runner-Up Amy Giddy.
Nyngan's Junior Showgirl Runner-Up Anastasia Walsh with Junior Showgirl Rachel Fitzalan.
Nyngan's Junior Showgirl Rachel Fitzalan. Photos: ZAARKACHA MARLAN
Junior Showgirl Runner-Up Anastasia Walsh.
Members of the community gathered together in an elegant and sophisticated setting for the Nyngan Show Societys annual Showgirl dinner for 2018.
The judges this year have declared they are “never doing it again” after meeting four wonderful young ladies who made their decision harder than ever.
The judges said they were all “gorgeous girls” and commend each one of them for their commitment for representing the community.
This year it was announced that Nyngans 2018 Showgirl is Rebecca George, with Amy Giddy being awarded runner-up.
In the Junior category Rachel Fitzalan was named 2018 Junior Showgirl, with Anastasia Walsh awarded runner-up.
The local showgirl competition seeks to select a young woman to become not only an ambassador for the community, but the face of Nyngan.
The girls are judged on a number of categories including personality, confidence, life goals and ambitions.
The ladies are also judged on presentation, speech and are asked to demonstrate their involvement in the community and knowledge of current affairs.
Nyngan Observer