Youth sky high | Photos

Youth sky high | Photos
Nyngans youth were sky high last Tuesday when Mission Australia hosted a rock climbing wall at Larkin Oval to celebrate youth week.
Support Worker for the Homeless Youth Assistance Program Bogan and Warren NSW, Sarah Whaley said “Youth week is a great opportunity to engage the young people in our community to the local services and of course to bring everyone together.”
This year the national youth week theme was Unity Through Diversity which sought to celebrate all individuals and the qualities that make us unique.
The eight metre tall rock climbing wall was a huge hit for the kids of Nyngan who put in “a real team effort”.
“Not only did they challenge themselves to face the height of the wall, they cheered each other on as they were doing it,” Ms Whaley said.
Kids were also treated to buckets full of slime and goodies, and a barbecue lunch.
Ms Whayley said the day would not have been possible without the help and support of the local community.
“Thank you Katie White from the community HUB for all your help in planning and cooking our BBQ,” she said.
“Thank you Robbs Butchery for donating the sausages for our barbecue.
“Thank you, Base Zero rock climbing for providing their professional skills to ensure everyone climbed safely.
“And a huge thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate youth week with us,” she said.
Nyngan Observer