Bogan Shire Medial Centre patient boost

After just nine months of operation the Bogan Shire Medical Centre has more than 2000 registered patients accessing new Medical and Allied Health Services on offer.
Bogan Shire Mayor, Ray Donald said the Medical Centre was achieving its aim of servicing the Shire’s medical needs, with as many as five new patients registering on some days.
Dr Peter Hanley has been at the Centre since December, and will continue until the end of June. He is supported in the afternoons by Dr Duncan Grant and Dr Marten Muis on an alternating basis.
The Medical Centre offers an expanding range of Allied Health Services on a regular basis.These include a pathology service three mornings a week, dietician, diabetic educator, podiatrist, drug and alcohol counselling, credentialed mental health nurse, mental health clinician, and a psychiatrist.
General Manager, Mr Derek Francis said that appointments are now available for the visiting Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist from March and anyone wanting an appointment should contact the Medical Centre staff on 6832 1305.
Medical Centre patients with chronic diseases can be placed on the Healthy Living Plan, which offers access to relevant Allied Health services free of charge.
Bogan Shire Medical Centre is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 5pm, and bulk bills for services.
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Nyngan Observer
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