Argosy Minerals customers confirm up to 99.88% lithium carbonate purity for Rincon samples

Argosy Minerals Limited (ASX:AGY) customers have confirmed up to 99.88% lithium carbonate content for samples from the Rincon Lithium Project in Argentina, the highest purity recorded to date.
Product sample testing was carried out by Mitsubishi Corporation RtM Japan Ltd, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corp (TYO:8058), after five separate lithium carbonate sample lots were delivered to Japan and supplied to a Japanese end-user customer.
Argosy managing director Jerko Zuvela said: “These customer analysis results of up to 99.88% Li2CO3 purity further confirms our high-quality lithium carbonate product from our Rincon Project and its marketability into various international battery quality cathode customers.
“This is another significant milestone for the company and our first-class Puna operations team utilising our exclusive clean and environmentally conscious chemical process technology, as we continue toward full development of our Rincon Lithium Project.”
Shares have been as much as 9% higher to 7.3 cents intra-day and are up from 2.6 cents at close on March 23.
Sample analysis[hhmc]
The other four product sample analysis results received attained 99.82%, 99.82%, 99.74% and 99.7% lithium carbonate purity, with all sample results being within the product specification requirements of the potential customer for their own battery cathode manufacturing applications.
These results were achieved using the companys exclusive, proprietary and successful environmentally clean chemical process technology, specially developed for the Rincon Lithium Project.
AGYs Argentina project location map.
Supplier qualification process[hhmc]
The product sample testing regime is part of the extensive product supplier qualification process with end-user customers and battery cathode manufacturers, to ensure integrity with these groups manufacturing process systems.
This marks a strong intent that the companys lithium carbonate product quality and specification should enable progress through the rigorous supplier qualification process of several battery cathode manufacturers, and further advances the companyRead More – Source