
WA’s biggest smoking barbecue is no bull

Busselton friends Chris Richards and Matt Suriani have built WA's biggest smoking barbecue with help from the Cowaramup Men's Shed. It all started two years ago when Mr Richards and Suriani decided to create a smoking BBQ using an old 44 gallon drum in their backyard. They were at the park with their children when they talked about smoking meat after seeing it on television. "By that night we cooked a brisket on the BBQ, which was pretty good." Mr Richards said they then decided to build something a bit bigger to cook more meat and take with them on camping trips. "We decided to build a trailer smoker, and we thought we could build one for around $2000 then realised how much it would cost halfway through building it. "It got out of control." The budding entrepreneurs soon realised they could turn their BBQ into a business because everything they made people loved. "We started getting a few gigs then late last year someone enquired about a wedding in Pemberton for 120 people, we could not fit enough food for 120 people on the old smoker. "We decided to go bigger, it started off as a little bit bigger, then we decided to go the biggest we could find which was a 1000 gallon gas tank. "It turned out no one in WA had built one that big before, so we started the process and completed it a month ago and did out first cook on it, which went really well." Mr Suriani said they were not fabricators by trade so they enlisted the help of the Cowaramup Men's Shed to build the BBQ, along with local businesses and artists to create the trailer and horns. "We learnt on the go and they were really good for advice, it was really cool, they are a great little community." The Smokin' Bull BBQ trailer measures 8 metres in length, the smoker is 6m long, the height is 5m and the cooking space is 1m deep on a single rack, with enough space for a second rack. "Every time we look at the smoker now it seems surreally big, it is comically large. We are not sure the total amount of meat we could cook yet, we really want to test it." The smoking duo will be heading to Ascott Racecourse in October to cook at a Brew N Cue event with acclaimed US chef Bill Dumas who they described as a BBQ icon and head pitmaster at the Switch in Austin, Texas "Dumas will do the big cook and we will get to shadow him for the day and learn a few things from him, it is really good publicity for us as well having this guy cook with us. "Things have been ramping up slowly and now it has gotten to the point where it has its own legs. The BBQ scene in WA is disproportionately huge, it has really helped with our success."

Busselton friends Chris Richards and Matt Suriani have built WA's biggest smoking barbecue with help from the Cowaramup Men's Shed.

It all started two years ago when Mr Richards and Suriani decided to create a smoking BBQ using an old 44 gallon drum in their backyard.

They were at the park with their children when they talked about smoking meat after seeing it on television.

"By that night we cooked a brisket on the BBQ, which was pretty good."

Mr Richards said they then decided to build something a bit bigger to cook more meat and take with them on camping trips.

"We decided to build a trailer smoker, and we thought we could build one for around $2000 then realised how much it would cost halfway through building it.

"It got out of control."

The budding entrepreneurs soon realised they could turn their BBQ into a business because everything they made people loved.

"We started getting a few gigs then late last year someone enquired about a wedding in Pemberton for 120 people, we could not fit enough food for 120 people on the old smoker.

"We decided to go bigger, it started off as a little bit bigger, then we decided to go the biggest we could find whiRead More – Source


Margaret River Mail


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