Middle East

Muslim Brotherhood more dangerous to Germany than ISIS, Qaeda, says report

Citing German Intelligence and security sources, a local news outlet said an official report has concluded that German security authorities consider the Muslim Brotherhood group as “more dangerous” to Germanys democracy, compared to the ISIS extremist group and al-Qaeda terrorist organization.

FOCUS Online, the German-language news magazine, said that sources have cited German Intelligence, security authorities, and consider the Muslim Brotherhood “in the medium term” as “more dangerous than the ISIS and al-Qaeda to democracy in Germany.”

It added that the German Intelligence and security sources started to be worried about the turnout of people in organizations or mosques linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, especially in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The online magazine also said the German security apparatus expressed in the report their concerns regarding the Muslim Brotherhoods influence on the Supreme Council of Muslims in Germany and which is mainly represented by the Islamic Society of Germany – a “registered association” that is based in Cologne.

The assessment reached, according to the report investigating the Muslim Brotherhoods influence in Germany, is that “The efforts to establish a social and political system based on the Sharia is a violation of the free democratic system.”

The German Intelligence body reports that Muslim Brotherhood branches have a “schooling program and a comprehensive curriculum for Muslim and religious individuals from all age groups.”

German authorities estimate that the number of Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Germany, according to Focus Online, is 1,000 individuals, with the possibility that it might be higher.


Last Update: Friday, 14 December 2018 KSA 19:21 – GMT 16:21




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