Daily Mail warns Meghan Markle not to get too carried away with this feminist business

This Daily Mail editorial was being interpreted today as a not so veiled threat to Meghan Markle and you can see why.
The Daily Mails editorial today ends with a very clear threat directed at Meghan Markle – we like you now, but start speaking out and watch out. pic.twitter.com/NP7DcqU01T
— Mark Di Stefano
(@MarkDiStef) May 21, 2018
Dont get too carried away with this feminist business, alright love?
Heres what people made of it online.
The only thing missing is a Princess Diana reference.
— Patrick (@TrickFreee) May 21, 2018
Hahha its in the lede pic.twitter.com/PoO897zbf0
— Mark Di Stefano (@MarkDiStef) May 21, 2018
Never one to defend The Fail, but this is correct. The Royals should absolutely not talk politics. I do however think that everyone should be allowed to express opinions, and that is one of the reasons I am a republican.
— Colin Reed (@TheColinReed) May 21, 2018
Feminism isnt political, its a bare minimum.
— Sachaieff (@sachaieff) May 21, 2018
Admirable, yes, but may we, might we, in a way not to put a mark against senior management's names when gong time comes around, most humbly, respectfully, suggest, that if you start spouting Chomsky shite we'll splash on any vaguely erotic photographs we can get our claws on? https://t.co/17nmSSaj4o
— barney farmer (@barneyfarmer) May 21, 2018
Like how today's Daily Mail has made Meghan Markle sound like an ambitious football manager who's just taken charge of a team that's been struggling for the past few seasons: pic.twitter.com/NVSU8XsitI
— Sachin Nakrani (@SachinNakrani) May 21, 2018
I cant imagine why a racist newspaper like the Daily Mail would have it in for Meghan Markle
— Aunt Olive (@HelpfulOlive) May 18, 2018
But if thats what the Mail thinks about Meghan Markles views about feminism, you should see what their readers are saying. You aint seen nothing yet.
COMEDOWN: The days after a wedding are always tricky; the confetti is swept away, the gifts opened, the guests gone home and real life creeps back in.
Also, hundreds of newspaper readers start hurling abuse at you because theyve heard youre a feminist. It happens to all of us. pic.twitter.com/9q5WdfABZV
— The DM Reporter (@DMReporter) May 21, 2018
Daily Mail reader royal wedding comments done as headlines and its everything youd expect and more
The Poke