engage:BDR sets up new program integration with leading US weather publisher WeatherBug

engage:BDR Ltd (ASX:EN1) has set up a new programmatic integration with WeatherBug, a top-3 ranked weather publisher based in the US.
The integration with WeatherBug brings ENI direct and incremental access to millions of impressions and unique users daily.
This new direct integration provides potential growth in the weather category for in-app and web inventory.
New RTB integration is on track to be live by early next week and supply distribution could contribute to quicker revenue normalisation for engage:BDR.
Partnership scope[hhmc]
In 2019, ENI earned $17.1 million in revenue through its programmatic exchange that conducted an average of 25 billion programmatic auctions per day and the number rose to 55 billion in the first half of 2020.
With the addition of WeatherBug and other programmatic integrations, the company expects average daily auctions to rise further.
This partnership with WeatherBug will provide ENI access to users from the US and all other geographies in which WeatherBug operates.
Increasing daily auctions[hhmc]
The direct correlation between daily auctions per day and revenue has been globally impacted by the current pandemic.
As the restrictions imposed to curb the pandemic are eased and temporary budget suspensions are lifted, EN1 believes it is well-positioned to accelerate much quicker than ever.
Rising daily auctions increase earning potential at a granular level.
App for avid enthusiasts[hhmc]
WeatherBug is the thirRead More – Source