Southern Gold maiden drilling at Aphae in South Korea returns triple figure gold and silver grades
Southern Gold Limited (ASX:SAU) has received highly encouraging gold and silver results from a maiden diamond drill program at its Aphae Project in South Korea.
A total of 720.46 metres across four holes were drilled, with high to moderate-grade gold-silver intersections received, including 0.21 metres at 107.5 g/t gold and 166 g/t silver, 0.17 metres at 15.9 g/t gold and 23.7 g/t silver, and 0.86 metres at 5.49 g/t gold and 59 g/t silver.
Other results included 1-metre at 5.07 g/t gold and 13.8 g/t silver, and 0.18 metres at 5.92 g/t gold and 99 g/t silver.
Broad near-surface gold mineralised breccia was also intersected, including:
- 8.12 metres at 1.26 g/t gold and 7.8 g/t silver; and
- 40.72 metres at 0.59 g/t gold and 14.1 g/t silver.
“Triple figure gold grades”[hhmc]
Southern Gold managing director Simon Mitchell said: “There is a lot going on geologically at Aphae and triple figure gold grades in drill core from a maiden greenfields drill program certainly grab your attention.
“With high-grade gold and silver, elevated lead, zinc, copper and arsenic, and the fact we appear to have several phases of mineralisation indicate a fertile system, potentially with more surprises to come.
“Our technical team see a lot of potential at Aphae and it reinforces the theory that south-western South Korea is an unfolding gold camp of regional scale.”
Plan view of Aphae Pit maiden drill program completed.
Looking forwards[hhmc]
Petrology on selected samples of the drill core is being completed to try to definitively characterise the deposit model and assist future targeting on the project.
Additionally, follow-up drilling and ground magnetic survey work is being planned to target extensions wRead More – Source