First AU begins 3D induced polarisation survey at Gimlet Gold Project in WA

First AU Ltd (ASX:FAU) has started a 3D induced polarisation (ID) survey at the Gimlet Gold Project near Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
The results from this survey are anticipated within the next month and, pending positive results, the company would then proceed with further drilling.
The company intends for the survey to reveal the following outcomes:
- IP anomalism down-dip of the known mineralisation at Gimlet, which would assist in planning the government-funded diamond drill hole announced in November 2019 as well as any for any other future RC/ diamond drilling within Gimlet; and
- Along strike or parallel IP anomalism to the Gimlet deposit, which would provide new drill targets with the potential of representing new ore bodies.
Expanded footprint in Kalgoorlie region[hhmc]
FAU has recently expanded its footprint in the Kalgoorlie region with a tenement application within close proximity to its White Flag Tenement E 24/215.
Tenement Application E 16/542 is dominated by clastic sandstones and conglomerates of the Archean Kurrwang Formation.
The contact between the underlying Black Flag Group and these overlying late basin sediments Read More – Source