Andromeda Metals spins drill at high-grade halloysite targets in South Australia

Andromeda Metals Ltd (ASX:ADN) has the drill spinning as it targets high-grade halloysite at Condooringie prospect within the Poochera Halloysite-Kaolin Project in South Australia.
A 2,000-metre aircore drilling program is following up a recently identified high-grade halloysite zone 1-kilometre to the north of drilling undertaken in December 2019, which extended a kaolin zone to the south.
Condooringie is around 5 kilometres northeast from the companys Careys Well Halloysite-Kaolin Deposit at which a pre-feasibility study (PFS) is expected to be released later this month.
Seeking Bright White material[hhmc]
The aim is to infill between the two high-grade halloysite zones identified and potentially to define Bright White halloysite-kaolin over 2 kilometres of strike at Condooringie should these zones be shown to be linked.
Drilling is also planned to test the south and east of the southern zone at Condooringie, which remains open in both directions.
Planned 2020 drilling at Condooringie with previous drill datas 10% halloysite content outline and an updated 12 metre white kaolinised granite outline.
Analysis by Andromeda of historical drill holes previously drilled by Minotaur Exploration Ltd (ASX:MEP) in 2011 at Poochera defined a broad zone of high-grade halloysite 1-kilometre north of Condooringie prospect.
The company is awaiting the analyses of samples submitted from a December 2019 drilling program but based on visual appraisals, it was encouraged to undertake the infill and extension drilling.
Resource estimate planned[hhmc]
After receiving final assays from these programs, Andromeda intends to prepare a JORC 2012 mineral resource for the prospect.
Bright White refers to material with an ISO Brightness (R457) in excess of 75. ISO Brightness (R457) is an internationally accepted spectral criteria for determinations of brightness.
Shares have been as much as 6% higher to 5.4 cents intra-day.
Poochera project[hhmc]
Poochera Halloysite-Kaolin Project covers two main geographic areas of interest, both in the western province of South Australia.
Location of halloysite-kaolin prospects at Poochera.
The current main area of focus is on the Eyre Peninsula which comprises four tenements and is about 635 kilometres west by road from Adelaide and 130 kilometres southeast from Ceduna.
In addition to Careys Well, additional high-quality halloysite-kaolin prospects occur extensively across the project area.
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