Elementoss scoping study for the Oropesa tin project: how does it compare to its tin peer group?

Elementos Limited (ASX:ELT) has completed a scoping study at its 100%-owned Oropesa tin project, located in Spain.
The conventional open-pit operation would produce a tin concentrate that could be shipped to smelters in Europe or Asia.
The scoping study returned a post-tax net present value with an 8% discount rate (NPV8) of US$66mln with a post-tax internal rate of return (IRR) of 22% using a tin price of US$19,750 per tonne (t), which is very conservative compared to a peer group that uses prices between US$25,000/t and US$17,300/t, averaging US21,222/t (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Tin Peer Group Prices Used in Economic Studies
Source: Mining & Metals Research Corporation
The mine is expected to produce 2,440t of tin in concentrate over a 14-year life-of-mine; compared to its peer group it would be a relatively small tin operation (Figure 2) on a per annum basis but it would have a long mine life (Figure 3).
Figure 2: Tin Peer Group Annual Production Rates
Source: Mining & Metals Research Corporation
Figure 3: Tin Peer Group Life-of-Mine
Source: Mining & Metals Research Corporation
Compared to the same peer group Oropesa is at the higher end of the cost curve at US$11,534 (C1) but at the lower end of the capital expenditure Read More – Source