Pan Asia Metals survey identifies high priority drill targets at Khao Soon Tungsten Project

Pan Asia Metals has completed a reconnaissance induced polarisation (IP) survey covering several prospects at its Khao Soon Tungsten Project (KSTP) in Thailand during March.
The survey was designed to distinguish sub-surface geology and assist with geological interpretation.
The latest IP survey combined with the 2018 survey has identified several high priority drill targets.
Khao Soon Tungsten Project – IP Resistivity Survey
The company has identified the occurrence of moderate to strongly chargeable features at depth in association with moderate to high resistivity features.
At several prospects including Than Pho, Last Hill and Rabbit there are suggestions of relatively open anticlinal and synclinal features.
This likely represents folding of the metasediment host rocks.
The hinge zone and nearby fold limbs represent favourable structural zones that focus tungsten mineralisation, and there is some evidence that the old Khao Soon mine may be hosted within an anticlinal feature.
All of the IP targets need to be tested with drilling.
Metallurgical test-work[hhmc]
PAMs metallurgical test-work program on samples from Reung Kiet is ongoing, with preliminary results indicating high lithium recoveries (92.7%) to a rougher concentrate grading 2.56% lithium oxide.
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