Kingston Resources adds to Livingstone Gold Project landholding with new tenement

Kingston Resources Ltd (ASX:KSN) has increased its strategic landholding at the 75%-owned Livingstone Gold Project in WA's Bryah Basin region.
The company has been granted tenement E52/3667 which covers 170 square kilometres and abuts the Livingstone projects southern tenement boundary.
This tenement adds around 13 kilometres of strike over the prospective faulted contact between the Archean Yilgarn Craton to the south and the mafic/ultramafic of the Trillbar Complex to the north.
It consolidates approximately 40 kilometres of strike potential including the recently identified Southern Basal Horizon Target.
Kingston Resources managing director Andrew Corbett said: “The newly granted tenement adds considerable potential to Kingstons Livingstone Gold Project, which currently hosts a 49,900-ounce JORC-2004 resource at the Homestead deposit as well as the exciting Kingsley discovery and a number of highly prospective exploration targets.”
This area, called the Southern Basal Horizon Target, was highlighted through a recently completed structural geological review at Livingstone and represents a zone of enhanced gold prospectivity which has not been fully explored.
The company has increased its landholding in the western Bryah Basin to 374 square kilometres
Next steps[hhmc]
An application for co-funding through R22 of the WA Governments Exploration Incentive Scheme for the planned drilling at the Southern Basal Horizon Target has been submitted, with successful applicants to be notified in early May.
All government approvals have been granted and a heritage survey is due to be completed prior to the planned drilling.
Corbett said: “Kingstons upcoming work program at Livingstone will now incorporate E52/3667, with drilling planned to test the newly-identified Southern Basal Horizon Target.”
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