
Trigg Minings consultant geologist increases his stake to 5.37%

Trigg Mining Ltds (ASX:TMG) consultant geologist Matthew Wheeler has increased his stake in the company to 5.37% following a series of share acquisitions from October 2019 to March 2020.

Wheeler is a geologist with more than 20 years experience in the Australian and international mineral resources sector.

Maiden resource at Lake Rason[hhmc]

Last month, Trigg delivered a maiden resource of 6 million tonnes of drainable sulphate of potash (SOP) with an average grade of 5,080 milligrams per Iitre at its Lake Rason project in Western Australia.

Total contained SOP in the brine volume is 25 million tonnes and there is further potential to expand the resource to the west where higher grades have been encountered and two additional teRead More – Source




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