Titanium Sands’ results demonstrate THM depth potential at Mannar Island

Titanium Sands Ltd's (ASX:TSL) further reverse circulation (RC) aircore drilling results from Mannar Island Project in northwest Sri Lanka provide evidence of extensive potential for total heavy mineral (THM) resources at depth.
Assay results from 243 RC holes demonstrate THM down to at least 10 to 11 metres in an area of 18 square kilometres under the Mannar Island Domain-2 shallow resource.
This is in addition to deeper mineralisation results previously reported from the first 181 holes completed in December 2019.
An upgraded mineral resource estimate will be finalised once all assay results have been compiled and mineralogical studies have been completed.
Program tests below water table[hhmc]
Managing director Dr James Searle said: “These further RC aircore results again demonstrate the major depth potential to substantially increase the previously reported surface-exposed mineralisation on the Mannar Island Project.”
The RC aircore drilling program was designed to test for below water table depth extension of the surface exposed mineral resource to a nominal depth of 12 metres.
Sampling of the holes was undertaken every metre from surface to a depth where water recovery with the sample was judged to compromise the accuracy of the sample.
Typically, in these latest results, this occurred at depths of around 10 to 11 metres below surface.
Visual logging of material from the drill holes was carried out from surface to the nominal 12 metres target depth and indicated that almost all holes contained significant concentrations of heavy minerals all the way to the target depth of 12 metres.
Location of the RC aircore drill holes showing the previously reported RC aircore results from Domain-2 and these latest results from Domain-1
Further drilling potential[hhmc]
A further drill program utilising Sonic Core Drilling capable of sampling in water-prone materials would provide accurate samples below 8-9 metres in Domain 2 or 10-11 metres in Domain 1.
This could provide TSL with the potential to further significantly enhance the resource.
Of the 416 RC Read More – Source