
Corazon Mining intersects 21 metres at 2.47% nickel at Lynn Lake

Corazon Mining Ltd (ASX:CZN) has intersected near-surface and high-grade mineralisation nickel in the first two drill holes at the Lynn Lake Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Sulphide Project in Canada.

Hole LL201902 intersected 37 metres at 1.71% nickel, 0.68% copper and 0.05% cobalt from 10 metres including 21.05 metres at 2.47% nickel, 0.66% copper and 0.07% cobalt.

Hole LL2019-01 intersected 7 metres at 0.62% nickel, 0.37% copper and 0.02% cobalt west of the main zone being targeted by LL2019-02.

A total of seven holes were completed for about 1,122 metres of diamond core drilling.

Further results from these holes and the remaining holes in the program will be released in due course.

Drill hole location plan over the satellite image

The companys recent mining studies at Lynn Lake have centred on nickel deposits at depths of more than 400 metres and has highlighted the potential to define additional resources closer to the surface adjacent to Lynn Lakes historically mined areas.

Corazon's drilling predominantly targeted the A and E orebody areas with several other near-surface deposits within the large mining centre yet to be considered for drill testing.

Near-surface expressions tested

Lynn Lake's style of mineralisation is typical of mafic/ultramafic intrusive magmatic sulphide systems hosting sulphides varying in concentrations from massive to weakly disseminated.

This latest phase of drilling tested near-surface expressions of minRead More – Source




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